Sunday, September 9, 2012

as mentioned earlier

Have you heard about the TRX workout routine?

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using suspension training exercises to achieve your bodybuilding goals.

The way I found out about the TRX suspension trainer was at my local New York sports club. They were holding a group exercise class using the suspension straps. I was not able to participate in class because you had to sign up ahead of time. However, I stood there mesmerized as I watched personal trainer walk the class participants through the core exercises.

Later on when the class was over, I grabbed the personal trainer and asked if he would be so kind as to show me one particular exercise that seems very interesting to me. Well I never would have believed it but the few minutes that he spent show me what to do in that TRX workout routine had me convinced.

The very next day I went ahead and ordered the suspension trainer Pro edition.

The essence of the exercise program is that it utilizes bodyweight movements however; unlike traditional bodyweight exercises, this workout completely targets the core muscles and stabilizers.

It is no wonder that so many men and women have purchased suspension straps systems for their at home workouts.

In case you are not familiar with suspension training, as mentioned earlier, it utilizes the weight of your body as its only source of "resistance." However, because your body is "suspended" it forces your core and stabilizer muscles to work even harder than any free weight, or bodyweight exercise ever could.

The only thing that could come close to this type of exercise movement would be working out on a stabilizer ball, using a cable machine, or utilizing resistance bands.

The company that promotes the suspension training system Is called "Fitness Anywhere."

Because of their successful marketing and the fact that the product works many physical therapists, martial artists, golf professionals, and personal trainers are using and promoting the TRX workout routine.

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